
Exact measure

For the treatment of urological disease in this age usually use alpha-blockers or inhibitors of the enzyme 5-a reductase inhibitors. Of first-team quickly relieve tension of the muscles surrounding exit from the bladder, thereby contributing to the outflow of urine.

Second family of drugs reduce the size of the prostate, but their therapeutic effect is seen only after 3-4 months after starting treatment. Doctors already knew that the combination of both types of drugs usually produces the best clinical results, but the exact measure of the effectiveness of such treatment remains questionable. Now Dr. Roerborn and his colleagues found that the simultaneous use of an alpha-blocker and doxyzocine reductase inhibitor finasteride nearly 70 percent reduced risk of progression of symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia. For patients who took only one of these drugs, the likelihood of this outcome was less than 40 percent.

Urolithiasis has been known since antiquity. Urinary stones were found in Egyptian mummies of people who died and were buried before our era. Recently, there has been a clear increase of this pathology in all regions of the world. According to many leading experts, the trend will continue in the future. This contributes to environmental degradation on the planet, poor nutrition, poor socio-economic conditions. Based on the above researchers attributed this disease to diseases of civilization. About the disease, diagnostic methods and treatments tells practitioner of the highest category, scientific consultant for the company Fizomed "Natalia Ilyin.

According to different authors, urolithiasis occurs no less than 1-3% of the population, and most often it affects people of working age. Men and women suffer roughly the same proportions.

Number of stones in the urinary tract may be different - from one to several hundred. Their sizes also vary from millet grains up to 10-12 cm in diameter. Observations of where the mass of the stone reached 2.5 kg.

Unified accepted concept of etiology and pathogenesis of the disease does not exist. Urolithiasis is a multi-cause disease. Under certain conditions created in the body, can cause a lithiasis, at least - several factors. We list the main ones. It has long been proven that one of the main factors is the high content of mineral salts in drinking water. Therefore, this disease is most common in regions where water is more rigid.

Urinary stones are formed in the urinary tract: the calyx, pelvis, bladder. Thus, impaired flow of urine is the major etiological point in the process of education concrement.

Proved that a lack of vitamin A leads to the formation of stones in the urinary system.

Another important reason is the local urinary tract infection. Moreover, specific pathogen does not exist, any infection can lead to kidney stone disease. That is why it is important to promptly and adequately treat the inflammation in the kidneys and urinary tract. Be sure to carry a treatment based on the analysis of urine bacterial cultivation and sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.

Often to the emergence of this disease lead endocrine disease, various metabolic disorders.

In addition, the cause may be injured kidneys, bones, and help the formation of stones, and some drugs.

Clinical symptoms largely depend on the localization of stone in the urinary tract. So, before you describe the symptoms must be submitted to the anatomy of the genitourinary system.

Urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

The kidneys are paired organs and are located in the lumbar region. They lie on either side of the spine at the level of the 1 st and 2 nd lumbar vertebrae. The right kidney is usually a few inches below the left.

Kidneys are in the form of large bean. Their surface is smooth, dark-brown color, the outer edge of the convex, inner - concave. In the area of ​​the inner edge of the gates are located, which includes renal Vienna, renal artery, nerves, lymph vessels and ureter. Circulatory system of the kidneys developed very strongly. Renal artery has the mighty tree.

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